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Sorting through all of the Basic Life Support (BLS) training and exam study materials to find the specific concepts you’d like to study can take time away from your actual preparation. Fortunately, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools can help you save time by providing the resources you need to create a personalized BLS study guide. The free Basic Life Support Practice Tests will assess your knowledge in a variety of areas that you can expect to see on the BLS exam, including CPR procedures, common medical equipment, current recommendations and protocols, and hypothetical scenarios.
Begin your study session by taking one of the Full-Length BLS Practice Tests to determine where you should focus your efforts. You will then be able to build a Basic Life Support study plan around your results. It is important to begin with a full-length test so that you can dedicate your study hours to the concepts that you need to brush up on and move past the concepts that you have mastered. After completing the practice test, you will receive detailed feedback about every question.
The immediate practice test feedback displays the complete question and a thorough explanation of the answer, even for those questions you answered correctly. This is helpful when you received the correct answer, but were unsure of how you arrived at it. If you need more information, each question has a link to more information on the concepts. The BLS practice questions are also tagged with the concepts utilized so that you may search for the specific information you need. The amount of time it took to complete the question and a comparison of your performance to that of previous test-takers are also displayed in your results. All the practice tests are sharable on social media, which means studying virtually or challenging your classmates has never been easier.
After reviewing your initial assessment, you can begin to build a plan of action to focus your BLS review sessions on the topics that you most need to brush up on, then use the Flashcards and concept-specific BLS Practice Tests to evaluate your progress. You can also build your own BLS Practice Tests with Basic Life Support sample questions related to the concepts you need to polish. Another valuable Learning Tool available is the Question of the Day. You can work toward developing a strong study habit by making a few moments available each day to answer the BLS Question of the Day as a way to make sure that the material stays fresh in your mind.
The wealth of free Basic Life Support study material available through Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provides you with the study help that you have been searching for. Combining the different Learning Tools in your BLS test preparation can help you create a well-rounded study plan. You will also be able to track your progress as you work through the material to make sure that you stay on target with your goals. Working with the resources on the Learning Tools website means that you can stop spending valuable study time searching for the perfect learning tools and get busy honing your skills with current and relevant information.
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