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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
Which historical event caused a major diversification of the workforce to include women and children?
The 100 Years War
The Haitian Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
The fall of Rome
The rise of Feudalism
The Industrial Revolution
With the growth of factories and workhouses in the booming industrial cities, women and children were able to work, and were often prized above men by unethical employers because they could be treated less humanely, and their more delicate fingers were perfect for working the complicated machinery.
Example Question #1 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
Which of the following philosophers was responsible for developing the intellectual framework for capitalism?
Adam Smith
Benjamin Franklin
Karl Marx
John Maynard Keynes
Adam Smith
Adam Smith is widely held to be the 'father of modern capitalism'. His philosophical treatises on concepts such as the wealth of nations, personal self-interest, and trading laid the framework for the economic system that would become known as capitalism.
Example Question #2 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
The Industrial Revolution was initially a European phenomenon with the notable exception of ____________.
Latin America
Southern Africa
West Africa
Central Asia
Largely due to its political independence, Japan was able to industrialize as early as some European countries. Subsaharan Africa was under the domination of the French and British, who orientated African economies towards the cultivation of natural resources for British and French industrial capital, rather than creating their own. Latin America, under the Spanish, was also barred from participating in the industrial revolution, as was Central Asia under Russian influence.
Example Question #2 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
What type of economy did the economists of the late 1700's, such as Adam Smith, advocate for?
Free Market
Command economy
Government run
Free Market
Smith believed that the economy should be driven by the market place with no outside interference. The idea was that people should push the economy to fill their needs while also determining what should not be in the economy. They would do this by buying the supplies they chose from the retailers they chose.
Example Question #1 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
The corporations of the Industrial Revolution brought forth a new idea in terms of company ownership. What was it?
Boards of Directors
Multi-party ownership
While corporations had existed in the past and had sold stock before, it had never been a widespread tool. It had also not been something available to the lower classes of society. Now, people had the chance to invest in stock with the hopes they could sell it later at a profit.
Example Question #4 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
During the industrial Revolution a system of bringing workers and machines together in one place was adopted. What was this system called?
Mechanized system
Factory system
Industrial system
Labor system
Factory system
The factory system is where one central location houses the machinery of an industry and the workers come to the machinery to work it. This is the reason these places were called factories.
Example Question #5 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
The Industrial Revolution originated in which country?
Great Britain
The United States
Great Britain
The Industrial Revolution originated in Great Britain in the late eighteenth century. The Industrial Revolution moved manufacturing from the home and into factories, where it became more efficient through the use of mass production and interchangeable parts. The revolution originated with textiles and food processing but soon moved to iron, steel, machine building, transportation, and communication.
Example Question #1 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
The Congo Free State was primarily profitable because of __________.
sugar plantations
oil deposits
rubber plantations
iron ore deposits
diamond mines
rubber plantations
The so-called Congo Free State, under the initial personal control of King Leopold II of Belgium and later under the control of the Belgian government, was extremely profitable due to the lucrative rubber plantations and the use of forced native labor.
Example Question #5 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
The Industrial Revolution contributed to the decline of slavery because __________.
slaves lacked the basic training and knowledge required to work in factories
all of these answers are correct
universal public education led to greater empathy and social awareness
caring for workers was less dangerous than caring for slaves
paying workers was cheaper than purchasing slaves
paying workers was cheaper than purchasing slaves
The Industrial Revolution contributed to the decline of slavery because it dramatically increased the profitability of businesses whilst allowing workers to be paid a tiny wage. Business owners realized that it was actually cheaper and less risky to pay workers than it was to buy and own slaves.
Example Question #5 : Labor Systems And Economic Systems 1750 To 1900
Working conditions for the average individual in the early years of the Industrial Revolution __________.
were roughly the same as they had been before the Industrial Revolution
were much worse in Northern Europe than they were in Southern Europe
were much worse in Southern Europe than they were in Northern Europe
were far worse than they had been before the Industrial Revolution
were far better than they had been before the Industrial Revolution
were far worse than they had been before the Industrial Revolution
In the early years of the Industrial Revolution working conditions for the average individual were far worse than they had been before the revolution. Prior to the Industrial Revolution the average worker (in England) might have worked slightly less than eight hours a day tilling the fields and caring for crops and animals. In the early years of the Industrial Revolution workers were suddenly working fourteen or sixteen hour days, sometimes six or seven days a week, in horribly dangerous conditions. The relative autonomy of individuals also declined in the early years of the Industrial Revolution.
All AP World History Resources