How the Iron Ties into Real Life by Noe

Noeof Tonganoxie's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2014 scholarship contest

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Noe of Tonganoxie, KS
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How the Iron Ties into Real Life by Noe - February 2014 Scholarship Essay

"The iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it is impossible to turn back. The iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you are a God or a total jerk. The iron will always kick you in the real deal. The iron is the greatest reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But 200 pounds is always 200 pounds." - Henry Rollins.

This is really an incredible quote by Henry Rollins. Rollins's quote has three main components; medicine, friendship, and loyalty. The quote is great for someone who enjoys to lift weights, like myself. There are many reasons why this quote has influenced me.

To start off, the iron is a great medicine. There are days where you are not feeling well, and you feel sick. You can always go to the weight room, and lift, because even on your weakest days you get stronger. Referring back to Henry's quote where he states, "There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." That line truly speaks for its self in the real world.

An additional reason towards why this is truly an inspirational quote would be the concept of loyalty and truth. People in the outside world will tell you many different things, they may lie to you, or tell you the truth, and people always want the truth told them no matter good or bad. That is where the iron will plays its role. The iron will always be true and loyal to you. It will never lie. That is where it also ties in with friendship. True friends will never lie to you, and neither does the iron. The iron will always tell you how are doing, whether it may be good or bad.

This ties in perfectly into the real world. Good news will make an individual happy, inspired,and will make them work harder to again achieve the same result. Bad news will do the same in a different manner. Bad news will make an individual upset. It will give them a wake up call and pursue them to work harder to achieve a good result. The iron is a great predetermination test for the real world. It teaches great work ethic.

The last two sentences of Henry Rollins's quote really drive home the point he is trying to get across, will he superbly does well. It is personally in my point of view the best part of the quote, because of how true it is. As he states, "Friends come and go. But 200 pounds is always 200 pounds." Very important to the aspect of the life of the individual. The quotes says that friends will always leave you. They will change, either good or bad. Friends will you not be with you forever. Although there may be some that always will be, but not everyone will be with you forever, but the iron will. The iron will never change. It will always be the same, 200 pounds will always be 200 pounds. It will never be more, it will never be less, it will never change. It will be like that forever.
