"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light" by Elizabeth

Elizabethof Berlin's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2014 scholarship contest

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Elizabeth of Berlin, MD
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"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light" by Elizabeth - February 2014 Scholarship Essay

Aristotle Onassis quoted "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light". I can surely say that this quote has influenced me as I encountered the darkest moment of my life. My family is filled with a lot of laughter, fun, and love. We have a large family, within our family I have a total of 8 cousins and 3 siblings. My cousins are more like my brothers and sisters. We always keep in contact daily and would say "I love you" when leaving each other. I never will forget the day that our family was broken and filled with a hurt that we never thought would enter into our world.

My cousin, Cody, was 20 years old and hit a tree and died on impact. I can remember my mom storming in to the house with a cry and scream I never heard from her before. The news was unbearable for us all. My body was in shock and in disbelief. Focusing to see the light surely was not in my mind. We had many hard days ahead of us to face and the decisions to be made were so hard. Each day, our family seemed to pull together and became closer than ever. I sat back and watched the true love that we had for each other. As painful as it was, there were split moments where we had a little chuckle thinking about the things and impact that Cody made on our lives. This was the darkest moment in my life.

My heart was filled with so much pain and our family was devastated. As the days carried on we all began to feel weak. I know that God was with our family and he was the light for our family. The day of the funeral the church was so packed. My little sister sang a solo for Cody and I saw so much hurt on the faces of my family, faces that I never imagined I would ever see. I also saw a huge room full of people that Cody made an impact on and how many people loved him other than just our family. At this moment I knew that the darkness I felt had to go and Cody would want us to focus on the light. The happy moments, not the dark moments, would be following us forever.

It has been almost 2 years now and our hearts are still filled with pain. I have chosen to focus on the light and let go of that dark moments that has devastated our family. Many quotes have come to my mind as I read them, but this quote truly means the most. I know I must focus to see the light, and allow Cody's death to have a meaning of some sort. I believe that God has a reason for everything. I have not reached the understanding of Cody's death, but life does go on and we have to make the best of all situations. We have to carry each other in times of need. I am setting a goal in life to help others who are in their darkest moments to focus on that light. If we stay in the darkness we may never get out and life will not go on. As much as it hurts we must push through the pain and trigger that spark of light that pushes us through life each day. My heart will always be with Cody, but it is time to move forward and walk towards the light.
