Struggling with Economics by Christal

Christal's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2024 scholarship contest

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Struggling with Economics by Christal - December 2024 Scholarship Essay

I am not the type of person who can ask for help easily, even if I am the type of person who loves to offer help and support to those around me. In college, I quickly fell in love with my major in psychology and took as many classes as I could. Eventually, I had to start branching out to other classes, and finances quickly became something that interested me as I would be leaving college soon and beginning my adult life. I decided to take an economics class the last quarter of my last year in college, and it was the hardest class I took my entire college career. I remember being in class and understanding everything for the most part, but then having assignments where I had no idea how to get to the correct answers. I tried researching, reading, and reviewing the class slides, but nothing seemed to help. I knew I needed to pass the class in order to graduate, but I was also aware that I would need to ask for help soon. I eventually reached out to a class TA who was able to clear things up for me. I continued to go every week, and I made sure to ask questions and get to the answers on my own. I remember studying so much for the tests in that class, and I ended up passing. My lesson here was to not be afraid to ask for help, because that may be what is keeping you from success. We can’t do everything on our own.
