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A photo of Abrial, a tutor from Columbus State Community College


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I am a recent graduate of Columbus State. I graduated cum laude (with honors) with an Associate's degree in Paralegal Studies. I have always loved helping people learn, and throughout my entire academic career, I was the "go to" friend for homework help, test preparation, and any other academic needs. I have excelled in my math classes, and I am passionate about helping other excel, too! I work with Microsoft Office consistently, making me qualified in assisting with any Office 365 help. I also draft, read, and revise coworkers' and other students' documents, and I love to read. Any help with English literature, grammar, critical analysis or reading is right in my comfort zone!

Also, I just so happen to be the oldest sister in my house. I am a tutor to my two younger sisters all the time. I have the patience, the strategies, and the knowledge to help anyone succeed, and I love to do it!

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Abrial’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbus State Community College - Associate in Science, Paralegal Studies


I love to read, write, and help others! I love to cook and bake, and I love studying law. I am intrigued by the things that make our society tick, and I love to help others understand what they need to be successful in this world! I have played the violin for over 10 years, and music is one of my favorite hobbies. I have written and peer-reviewed books, essays, and I enjoy giving honest, constructive feedback. I am always doing my best to learn something new, and I am currently learning Arabic.

Tutoring Subjects

A Beginner's Guide: Excel

ACT Science

Administrative Law


College Application Essays

Contract Law

Creative Writing

Criminal Law

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

Family Law

High School English


Legal Research

Legal Writing


Microsoft Office

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing





Reading Comprehension Class

Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

Tort Law

Video Game Design



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