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A photo of Kerrie, a tutor from Saint Joseph's College of Maine


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I have been a nurse for the past 10 years, and am currently at the bedside in addition to teaching. I have expert knowledge in Health Assessment, Fundamentals of Nursing, Critical Care/Emergency Nursing and Mental Health Nursing. I've been a clinical instructor for the past 4 years. My teaching style is extremely laid back, there's too much going on in this world to stress you out- I absolutely refuse to aid in making education a stressful, anxious experience.
I use real world examples while teaching, I find this works best to bridge the (large) gap between knowledge and application.
Nothing is a better feeling than assisting my students in achieving that "light bulb" moment where it all clicks.

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Kerrie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Saint Joseph's College of Maine - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


Emergency Nursing has people in your face all day- I enjoy relaxing with solo hobbies. Roller skating, reading, knitting, cross stitching, Freshwater aquariums and aquascaping AND anything/everything 90s for that one second boost of nostalgic serotonin. Oh, and I also like to color while refereeing my animals (Doris, Stanley, Alfred, Randall and the many many fish I have)

Tutoring Subjects

Emergency Medicine

Medical Terminology



NCLEX-RN Prep Course




Professional Certifications

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