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A photo of Rhoda, a tutor from CUNY Brooklyn College


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I want to be the teacher who makes a difference in your child's life. Over my 30 years of teaching and tutoring grades one through eight in reading and math, I have developed strategies, methods, and "tricks" to help students learn and remember the academic skills that they need to be successful. My love to teach + patience + teaching experience = the perfect tutor for your child and you. If your child needs enrichment or remediation, it would be my pleasure to work with him/her and hear those words that always make me smile, "That's it? That's easy!" Just as it is your goal, it is also my goal for your child to make progress and feel more comfortable and confident in school.

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Rhoda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: CUNY Brooklyn College - Bachelor in Arts, Early Childhood Education

Graduate Degree: Brooklyn Collehe - Master of Science, Elementary Education


spending time with family and friends, current events, traveling, home decorating

Tutoring Subjects

1st Grade Math

1st Grade Reading

2nd Grade

2nd Grade Reading

3rd Grade Reading

4th Grade Reading

5th Grade Reading

College English

Elementary Math

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading


English Grammar and Syntax

High School English


ISEE- Lower Level


Middle School Math




Test Prep

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