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A photo of Molly, a tutor from Columbia University in the City of New York


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I am an Illinois certified Teacher in grades K-9. I attended Northwestern University and received a Master's of Science in Education. I have ample classroom experience and expertise in elementary Math and Reading intervention. I have several tools and resources from various curricula to work with and would love to help your students in any elementary or middle school subject area. For the past three years, I have been working as a classroom Teacher in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade classrooms, teaching students with a variety of needs. I can also tutor students through high school and college in History and Spanish as I hold degrees in both subjects from Columbia University. I am highly qualified to tutor Writing at all levels - from elementary to adult professional writing - as I have written two distinguished theses as part of my academic training.

As a Tutor, I can do more than simply help students with homework. My approach to aiding them is three-fold. I will work to:
1. Review and reteach material from her school that has proven difficult.
2. Diagnostically assess for instructional gaps and then fill in gaps to bolster a strong subject area foundation.
3. Impart test-taking skills and strategies necessary for school success.

I teach with the tenets of the Common Core State Standards in mind. As such, I do not aim to teach "tricks" for getting the right answer. Rather, I aim to wholly ingrain the skills, strategies, and overall thinking needed to fully understand how and why we can come to certain answers. My goal is not to help students to merely get a good grade on the next quiz, but to help build a foundation that allows him or her to find success on their own in future units of study.

In each lesson, I use a variety of methods - stories, games, worksheets, writing, manipulative activities, etc. - to ensure (1) a deep understanding of academic content and (2) an engaging, fun, authentic interaction with each subject area. Likewise, as a Teacher and Tutor, I focus on problem solving; developing real, concrete skills and strategies that students can put into their mental "toolboxes" for times that they are tasked with real world problems in school and in life.

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Molly’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree: Northwestern University - Masters, Elementary Education

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1480

SAT Math: 700

SAT Verbal: 780


Dance, piano, drawing, and painting.

Tutoring Subjects

1st Grade Math

1st Grade Reading

1st Grade Writing

2nd Grade Math

2nd Grade Reading

2nd Grade Writing

3rd Grade Math

3rd Grade Reading

3rd Grade Writing

4th Grade Math

4th Grade Reading

4th Grade Writing

5th Grade Math

5th Grade Reading

5th Grade Writing

6th Grade Math

6th Grade Reading

6th Grade Writing

7th Grade Math

7th Grade Reading

7th Grade Writing

8th Grade Math

8th Grade Reading

8th Grade Writing


AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP Spanish Language & Culture

AP U.S. Government & Politics

AP United States History

AP US History


College English

College Essays

College Geography

College Level American History

Comparative Literature

COMPASS Mathematics


COMPASS Writing Skills

Conversational Spanish

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing




High School English

High School Geography

High School Level American History






MAP Prep


Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing





PSAT Critical Reading

PSAT Writing Skills

Public Speaking


SAT Subject Test in Literature

SAT Subject Test in Spanish

SAT Subject Test in Spanish with Listening

SAT Subject Test in United States History

SAT Subject Tests Prep

SAT Writing and Language

Social Studies


Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Special Education

SSAT- Elementary Level

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Test Prep


US History


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