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Example Questions
Example Question #71 : Ap Environmental Sciences
Which of the following best describes greywater?
Waste water from toilets that is unfit for irrigation or any reuse.
Waste water that originates from showers, dishwashers, and sinks that can be reused for irrigation.
Water that has been contaminated by human or animal fecal waste and has the potential to contaminate larger bodies of water.
Waste water from toilets that can be reused for irrigation.
Waste water from sinks, toilets, and household appliances that is unfit for irrigation or reuse.
Waste water that originates from showers, dishwashers, and sinks that can be reused for irrigation.
Greywater typically includes all household sources of wastewater, with the exception of toilets. Greywater can be used to irrigate lawns and golf courses but is not safe for drinking.
Example Question #72 : Ap Environmental Sciences
The current drought has seriously affected farmers in California. Which of the following is NOT something a farmer would want to do to conserve water?
Experimenting with hot-house cultivation.
Raising livestock that consume less water, like goats and chickens.
Planting fields with drought-resistant crops, such as artichokes.
There's very little freshwater in California, but a farmer could irrigate their fields with seawater.
Switching from spray irrigation to drip-line irrigation, which uses less water.
There's very little freshwater in California, but a farmer could irrigate their fields with seawater.
Seawater is not fit for use in agriculture. An excess of salt in a field results in water being drawn from plant roots due instead of the other way around. Spartans salted the orchards of their enemies to cripple their civilizations; one should not irrigate with seawater if one's intent is to grow crops.
Example Question #2 : Water Problems And Solutions
Which of the following countries is most likely to use the process of desalination as a method of obtaining drinking water?
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates is most likely to obtain drinking water by way of desalination. Seawater desalination is used primarily in arid, coastal regions.
Example Question #4 : Water Problems And Solutions
Saltwater __________ has been described as the influx of salt water into freshwater aquifers. This is a natural process; however, human over-exploitation of aquifers has led to the contamination of drinking water in some instances.
The correct choice is "intrusion" because it is the only term that describes the movement of saltwater into freshwater aquifers. Saltwater intrusion is a major threat to many coastal land managers, because fresh groundwater can become contaminated and unusable for residents in the area.
Example Question #1 : Geological Time Scale
Geological time scales are used to measure spans of time. In terms of geological time scales, which category represents the smallest length of time?
The correct response is period. This would be the smallest measurement of time given the answer choices.
The order from longest to shortest is shown here: Supereon > Eon > Era > Period
Example Question #2 : Geological Time Scale
Geological time scales are used to measure spans of time. In terms of geological time scales, which category represents the longest length of time?
The correct response is era because it represents longer periods of time on the geological time scale. The answer choicest from longest to shortest are as follows: Era > Period > Epoch > Age.
Example Question #3 : Geological Time Scale
Examine the given block diagram. Each letter represents a depositional event or a period of erosion. Place the letters in order from the oldest to youngest event.
E, F, D, A, B, C
F, D, E, A, B, C
C, B, A, D, F, E
E, C, B, A, D, F
C, B, A, E, D, F
C, B, A, E, D, F
The law of superposition states that the oldest rock layers are at the bottom. A real world example of this often takes place while cooking. When making a seven-layer dip, for instance, you place the oldest layer on the bottom of the dish and stack layers on top. The layer on top is the youngest. The earth is made of rock layers deposited in a similar way.
E represents a period of erosion, meaning there is "missing time" (rock layers have been eroded, so there are no rocks representing that time).
Example Question #1 : Soil And Geology
Which of the following rock types is a result of the rapid cooling of magma?
The three main rock types are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Sedimentary rock is the result of the build up of sediment, such as sand or dirt. Igneous rocks are the result of the cooling of lava and molten rock, and can be crystalline in structure. Metamorphic rock is the compression of igneous and/or sedimentary rock, creating a new type of rock from intense pressure. Metamorphic rock comprises the majority of the Earth's crust.
Example Question #2 : Rock Cycle
A scientist is examining two pebbles of a similar composition lying next to each other in a stream. One has a smooth, polished texture, while the other is angular with sharp edges. The differences in surface texture can indicate which of the following regarding the distance each pebble has traveled?
The round pebble has traveled a farther distance and the angular pebble has traveled a short distance
Both pebbles are from far away but come from different parent rocks
None of these
The angular pebble has traveled a farther distance and the round pebble has traveled a short distance.
The round pebble has traveled a farther distance and the angular pebble has traveled a short distance
As rocks travel further from the original outcrop, bumps and abrasions round corners and polish the rock.
Example Question #2 : Rock Cycle
Which of the following factors can cause a sedimentary rock to change into a metamorphic rock?
Addition of fluids
Increasing temperature
Increasing pressure
All of these
All of these
Increasing temperature and pressure—through burial or submersion—causes the minerals that compose the rock to become unstable. This results in recrystallization of the minerals, which forms a new rock.
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