Free GMAT Diagnostic Tests
Free GMAT Practice Tests
Before Test Day
What is the GMAT?
The GMAT, or General Management Admission Test, is a standardized, computerized, multiple-choice test used for the admission and placement of incoming students into MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs. Whether you need top GMAT tutors in New York, GMAT tutors in Chicago, or top GMAT tutors in Los Angeles, working with a pro may take your studies to the next level.
What’s the difference between the GMAT and the GRE?
While both the GMAT and the GRE (Graduate Readiness Examination) are accepted by many business schools, the GMAT is an examination designed specifically to test skills required for success in business school, while the GRE is a more general test that is accepted by both business schools and a wide variety of other graduate programs. Varsity Tutors offers resources like a free GMAT Diagnostic Tests to help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider a GMAT tutor.
What does the GMAT test?
The GMAT measures higher-order reasoning skills such as problem solving, analysis, critical thinking, and making complex judgments—skills that are important for succeeding in business school.
Where and when can I take the GMAT?
The GMAT is given at various testing centers around the world on a year-round basis. You should register online well before your desired test date in order to secure your spot, as spaces tend to fill up quickly.
How much does it cost to take the GMAT?
It costs $250.00 to take the official GMAT, no matter where you take it.
What sections are on the GMAT?
The GMAT consists of four sections: Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal. There is only one of each of these sections on each GMAT.
Are the GMAT’s sections always given in the same order?
Yes, the different sections that make up the GMAT are consistently arranged in the same order: the Analytical Writing section is always given first. It is followed by the Integrated Reasoning section, and then the Quantitative section. The Verbal section is always the last section.
How long is the GMAT?
The GMAT consists of three and a half hours of testing, but does not include the two eight-minute breaks offered during the exam, or the time it takes a student to check in or check out of the testing center.
Are students given breaks during the GMAT?
Yes, students are offered two eight-minute breaks during the GMAT: one after the Integrated Reasoning section, the other after the Quantitative section. While these breaks are completely optional, using them to give yourself a moment to rest is highly recommended; however, it is important to note that you must check out of the test center and check back in during each of these eight minute breaks; you will not be given any additional time if you are late in returning from your break; any additional time that you take is deducted from your testing time, as your test automatically continues after your break ends.
On what scale are GMAT scores given?
GMAT scores are given on a scale of 200–800, with 200 being the worst possible score and 800 being the best possible score. The Verbal and Quantitative (and IR?) QQ sections of the GMAT are each scored on a scale from 0–60, with 0 being the worst possible score and 60 being the best possible score.
How can I prepare for the GMAT?
Assess your readiness by taking a Full-Length GMAT Practice Test, one of the many resources offered on Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools. The results can aid you as you create an individualized study plan that meets your needs. The extended format gives you an opportunity to work on your test-taking pace and figure out which skills need more review. Each of the results pages for the comprehensive tests include detailed explanations of the correct answers and links to more information on key concepts. The complete Practice Tests provide the additional benefit of assisting you as you customize your GMAT review plan, as they’ll show you the concepts you’ve already mastered, and those you’ll want to continue reviewing. After you’ve spent some time reviewing with the other free Learning Tools, you can evaluate your efforts by taking another Full-Length GMAT Practice Test. In addition to the GMAT Practice Tests and GMAT tutoring, you may also want to consider using some of our GMAT Flashcards.
On Test Day
What should I bring to the GMAT?
The test centers at which the official GMAT is given are carefully regulated. The only things that you must bring on test day is an acceptable form of identification, though you might also want to bring a small snack and beverage to consume during the breaks. The transmission of your GMAT score to five business schools is included in the cost of taking the GMAT; if you want to take advantage of these free transmissions, you should bring a list of the graduate management programs that you would like to receive your test scores, though you will not be able to bring your list of programs into the testing center. You should also bring your appointment confirmation letter or email to the test center, though if you don’t have one, you will still be allowed to test if you have a scheduled appointment.
You should NOT bring any of the following items to the test center when taking the GMAT:
Mobile phones or other communication devices
Notes or noteboards
Scratch paper
Calculators (A digital calculator is provided for you to use during the Quantitative section of the GMAT, so you don’t need to bring one with you.)
Watches, stop watches, or watch alarms
Personal data assistants (PDAs)
Beepers or pagers
Photographic devices
Stereos or radios
Any other electronic devices that could aid testing
Books or pamphlets
Dictionaries, translators, or thesauri
Pens or any other writing utensils
Rulers or any other measuring devices
Weapons, including but not limited to firearms, knives, or any object that could be used as a weapon; this policy includes off-duty law enforcement officers and persons with conceal and carry permits
Can I use a calculator on the GMAT?
A digital calculator is provided for you to use during the Quantitative section of the GMAT, so you don’t need to bring one with you. In fact, calculators are not allowed at the testing centers at which the GMAT is given.
Do I get scratch paper to use during the GMAT? Where can I write out my work during the GMAT?
The test center personnel will provide you with a booklet of noteboards to use for scratchwork during the GMAT. You are not allowed to erase your notes, but you may request additional noteboards by raising your hand. (It is recommended that you do this between sections so as not to waste valuable time.) You may not take these noteboards out of the testing room at any time, and each one must be returned when you are done taking the test. You also may not bring your own noteboards into the testing room.
Should I guess on the GMAT if I don’t know an answer?
The GMAT is a computer adaptive test, which means that it decides what question to ask you next based on your answer to each question it asks you. Because of this, guessing could increase or decrease your score, or leave it unaffected; it’s unique to each situation, making a general rule of thumb impossible to formulate.
There are a few general rules that can still be drawn about guessing:
—If you are on the last or next-to-last question in a section, your answers will not affect the computer’s algorithm that much, so it’s ok to guess. It doesn’t make that much difference whether you guess on or omit these questions.
—On the Verbal section specifically, this range is extended to the last five questions.
—On the Quantitative section specifically, it is better to answer every question than to leave the last few questions blank, as there are fewer questions in this section than in the Verbal section, so each question comprises more of your score. Try to identify incorrect answer choices to improve your odds, but it is recommended that you guess if you do not know the answer to one of the final questions on this section.
You should, however, tailor these strategies to your relative ability on each section, especially if you have a good idea of where your scores normally fall. If you normally get low scores on a section, omitting questions may actually raise your score, where it would otherwise be lowered if you got relatively easy questions wrong by guessing. If you normally get very high scores on a section, you have more to lose by omitting questions, so guessing becomes more advisable. Tend toward omitting questions if you get lower scores, and guessing if you get very high scores. Otherwise, just follow the standard recommendations.
After Test Day
How soon after taking the GMAT can I see my test scores?
Your Quantitative, Verbal, and Total GMAT scores become visible to you immediately after you have completed the exam and chosen not to cancel your scores. On the day of your test, you may choose to receive an unofficial score report of your Quantitative, Verbal, and total GMAT scores. Your Analytical Writing Assessment score becomes visible to you and any institutions you designated within twenty-one days of your test date.
Can I cancel my GMAT score?
You may only cancel your GMAT score on the day of the exam, at the end of your test, before you see it. If you have seen your score, you cannot cancel it. If you choose to cancel your score, you will not be reimbursed for your testing fees, and you will need to wait thirty-one days before you can retake the GMAT. The fact that you canceled your score will also be included on your permanent record and a part of all future score reports that you have sent to institutions.
Can I send certain GMAT scores to business schools and not others?
No. GMAT score reports include a full record of each time you took the test and the scores you received, and also mention any times you canceled your GMAT score.
How much does it cost to send my GMAT scores to schools?
The transmission of your scores to five schools whose names you provide on your test date is included in the price of your GMAT exam. After your test date, it costs $25 to send a score report to each school. Since most business schools only consider your highest GMAT score and you cannot selectively send schools a GMAT score from one test date and not another, there is no harm in sending your scores to schools on the day you take the exam, even if you end up receiving a higher score when retaking the test on a later date.
Can I retake the GMAT?
Yes. You are allowed to retake the GMAT once every thirty-one consecutive days, up to—but no more than—five times per rolling period of twelve months; however, you cannot send your score from one GMAT test date and not another; all of your scores and cancellations will be reported.
How long are GMAT scores valid?
GMAT scores are valid for five years after your test date.