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A photo of Joshua, a tutor from Appalachian State University


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I am a graduate of Appalachian State University. I received my B.S. in Applied physics and my M.S. in Engineering Physics with a focus in Laboratory Automation. I worked as a TA for intro physics and electronics labs and am currently teaching math courses for an after-school program for accelerated students. My passion for math and physics has led to me greatly enjoying teaching others and watching them discover the laws that govern the world we live in. My teaching style involves leading students with questions to find the answers themselves. Understanding the underlying concepts is the key to mastery, not just memorization of equations and formulas.

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Joshua’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Appalachian State University - Bachelor of Science, Applied Physics

Graduate Degree: Appalachian State University - Master of Science, Systems Science and Theory


My interests are math, physics, and electronics. In my free time I like to play guitar and make music with friends, read horror and sci-fi novels and play video games.

Tutoring Subjects

Abstract Algebra

Calculus and Vectors

College Math

College Physics

College Statistics


Elementary School Math

Elementary Statistics


Grade 11 Physics

Grade 12 Physics

High School Physics



Middle School

Middle School Math

Middle School Science


Physical Science




Programming Languages


Quantum Physics




Statics and Dynamics

Technology and Coding

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