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A photo of Brodie, a tutor from Arizona State University


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I'm a graduate of Arizona State University with Barrett, the Honors College. I received my BSE in biomedical engineering in 2022 and I'll finish my education with an MS in 2023. I've tutored math (K-12) since 2016 with an emphasis on algebra and high school test prep concepts. It's never too early or too late to build foundational math skills. I believe a student at any age or level can benefit from practicing core skills while introducing logical and efficient solutions into their math repertoire!

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Brodie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Arizona State University - Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 34

ACT English: 34

ACT Math: 35

ACT Reading: 34

ACT Science: 31


In my spare time, I like to be active! I'm a frequent hiker and I play basketball whenever I'm able. I also enjoy music and I've recently picked up the guitar. I'm involved in both biomechanics labs on ASU campus and especially interested in the wearable devices space.

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