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A photo of Shannon, a tutor from University of Missouri-St Louis


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I am currently a Special Education teacher in the St. Louis surrounding area, serving students across multiple grade levels for the past seven years.

I earned my Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Missouri - St. Louis in 2017, followed by a Master of Education in Reading and Literacy from Maryville University in 2020. Since completing my master's degree, I have also earned a graduate certificate in Dyslexia from Lindenwood University.

I am dedicated to enhancing the achievement of all students across all subject areas.

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Shannon’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Missouri-St Louis - Bachelor of Education, Elementary School Teaching

Graduate Degree: Maryville University of Saint Louis - Master of Arts Teaching, Reading Teacher Education


Reading Walking Spending time with friends and family

Tutoring Subjects

Certified Reading Intervention

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Learning Differences


Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Science


Reading Intervention


Special Education


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