All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #41 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Inevitable is to occur as ______________.
special is to please
vengeful is to rescue
fatal is to kill
enticing is to eat
rancid is to poison
fatal is to kill
If something is "inevitable," it is impossible to stop it from happening. So if something is "inevitable," it will definitely occur.
If something is "fatal" it will kill. ("The doctors tried to save his life, but his wounds proved to be fatal.")
If something is "rancid," it means it’s rotten or spoiled. ("While we were away on vacation, the power was out for three days and all the food in the refrigerator turned rancid.") So if something is "rancid" and you eat it, it might poison you, but the defining characteristic of rancid is rottenness, not ability to poison.
If something is "enticing," it is tempting. So an enticing aroma of apple pie coming from the oven might make you want to eat. But it isn’t the same connection as the connection between inevitable and occur.
"Vengeful" means wishing to inflict harm as a payback for perceived wrongdoing. So if someone is "vengeful," that doesn't mean he or she will definitely rescue.
If something is special, that doesn't mean it will definitely please; it could refer to something negative, like a special assignment your teacher gave you for being late to class.
Example Question #41 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Libertine is to dissolute as nonconformist is to __________.
A "libertine" is someone who behaves as if they have no moral principles or someone who is dissolute. "Dissolute" means depraved or lacking moral principles. A "libertine" is by definition "dissolute," so you need to figure out which of the answer choices describes a "nonconformist." You can use the prefix "non-" to figure out what "nonconformist" means: "non-" means not, so a "non-conformist" is a person who does not conform to standard, traditional rules and modes of behavior. Which of the answer choices describes such a person? "Rebellious" is the best answer.
Additionally, "garrulous" means talkative; "pompous" means self-obsessed, pretentious, and arrogant; "leery" means cautious and wary, and to be "leery of" someone or something is to be guarded against or suspicious of that person or thing; and "winsome" means attractive and charming.
Example Question #593 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Amoeba is to small as crone is to __________.
An "amoeba" is a single-celled organism, or in other words, a microscopic living creature. One quality of an "amoeba" is that it is very "small." So, to solve this analogy, you simply need to determine which of these is a quality associated with a "crone." A "crone" is an insulting term used to describe an old woman who is very unattractive, even ghastly in appearance. So, the correct answer is "ancient." Additionally, "fraudulent" means not genuine, inauthentic, or deliberately faked; "amiable" means friendly, sociable, and agreeable; and "serene" means calm, quiet, and peaceful.
Example Question #721 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete the analogy.
Grenade is to __________ as microorganism is to microscopic.
A "microorganism" is a very small organism, like a bacterium. Thus, microorganisms are by definition "microscopic"—they cannot be seen with the naked eye and one must use an instrument like a microscope to view them. So, a quality of a "microorganism" is to be "microscopic." Which of the answer choices is a quality of a "grenade"? The correct answer is "incendiary," which means designed to ignite, explode, and cause fire(s). Additionally, "blasphemous" means disrespectful of religion; "surreptitious" means deliberately kept secret so as avoid to offense or being shown to be illegal; "enigmatic" means mysterious and puzzling; and "aloof" means distant and detached from other people.
Example Question #44 : Qualities And Features
Complete the analogy.
Candle is to __________ as orb is to spherical.
An "orb" is a globe, a sphere, or a spherical object. So, a quality of an "orb" is to be "spherical." To solve this analogy, you need to determine which of the listed answer choices is a quality of a "candle." The correct answer is that "candles" are "incandescent," which means giving off light as a result of heat.
Example Question #722 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Squalid is to hovel as __________ is to mansion.
A "hovel" is a shack, a small and dirty house. A quality generally associated with a "hovel" is to be "squalid," which means (of a building) extremely unclean and in poor condition, neglected. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a quality generally associated with a "mansion" (large, expensive house). The correct answer is "ostentatious," which means designed to be impressive and attractive, luxurious and fancy. Additionally, "precarious" means dangerous, uncertain; "contrite" means remorseful, feeling sorry for a wrong done; "factious" means tending to cause disagreement; "obfuscating" means confusing, to make unclear or unfamiliar.
Example Question #723 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Plateau is to flat as basin is to ____________________.
A "plateau" is a lengthy area of flat, elevated land. A quality of a "plateau" is to be "flat." So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a quality of a "basin." Well, a "basin" is like a valley, something bowl-shaped that contains water. So, a quality of a "basin" is to be "concave" which means curving inwards, sunken. Additionally, "lofty" means high; "serene" means calm and peaceful; "lukewarm" means tepid, neither hot or cold.
Example Question #724 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Rainbow is to iridescent as __________ is to obsequious.
"Iridescent" means having many different colors, which seem different from different angles. It is a quality associated with "rainbows" that they are "iridescent." So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is generally associated with being "obsequious." Well, "obsequious" means servile, obedient and overly fixated on serving someone else. This is a quality that might be associated with a "butler."
Example Question #725 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Corpse is to _____________ as pauper is to impecunious.
A "pauper" is a poor person who begs for money in order to survive. A quality of a "pauper" is to be "impecunious" (penniless). So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a quality of a "corpse" (dead body). The correct answer is "pallid," which means pale, lacking color. Additionally, "juvenile" means immature, youthful; "lively" means spirited, full of life.
Example Question #726 : Ssat Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Gourmand is to eating as _______________ is to drinking.
A "gourmand" is someone who enjoys "eating" and routinely eats too much, a glutton. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these is a word for someone who enjoys "drinking" and routinely drinks too much, a drunkard. The correct answer is an "inebriate." Additionally, a "sorcerer" is a magician; a "pedagogue" is a teacher; a "luminary" is a famous and notable person within a certain field; an "adulterer" is someone who cheats on their spouse, someone who has affairs.
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All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources