All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #11 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Hard of hearing is to aural as myopic is to __________.
Since "hard of hearing" describes someone who can't hear sounds very well, and "aural" is an adjective that means having to do with hearing, we need to figure out what sense "myopic" is associated with, and find an adjective used to describe things associated with that sense. Since "myopic" means nearsighted, we can tell that the sense being referred to is sight; however, "sight" is not the answer—we need an adjective to complete the relationship, so "visual" is the correct answer.
Example Question #565 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Grain is to wood as __________.
motif is to wallpaper
capitulate is to surrender
breed is to dog
contest is to prize
mammal is to mouse
motif is to wallpaper
“Grain” is a noun that can mean the way in which fibers are arranged in wood, so grain is a pattern that is found in wood and we need to pick out an answer choice in which the first word describes a visual feature of the second. While “breed is to dog” and “motif is to wallpaper” might each look like a potential correct answer, “breed” is synonymous with type of dog, and since “grain” does not mean type of wood, “breed is to dog” cannot be the correct answer; however, “motif” is a noun that means an ornamental pattern, and because a motif is a visual pattern found on wallpaper while grain is a visual pattern found on wood, “motif is to wallpaper” is the correct answer.
Example Question #566 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Pedestrian is to walking as mariner is to __________.
A pedestrian is someone who travels by walking. You likely use the word to describe people walking in a town in contrast to those who are using motor vehicles or bicycles. The word actually comes from the Latin for “foot” and is related to the similar sounding beginning of the word “podiatrist”—a doctor specializing in care of the foot. Thus the bridge sentence for our analogy could be written as, “Just as a pedestrian travels by walking, so a mariner travels by X.” A “mariner” is a sailor. The word is derived from the Latin for “sea” and is related to the English words “marine” and “submarine.” A sailor travels by sailing.
Example Question #12 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Frozen is to ice cream as porous is to __________.
Since "frozen" is an adjective that correctly describes "ice cream," we need to pick out an answer choice that is something accurately described by the adjective "porous," which means having holes in it through which things may pass. While "rock" may seem like a potentially correct answer, only certain types of rocks are porous; however, all nets are porous, so "net" is the better answer, and the correct one.
Example Question #481 : Hspt Verbal Skills
Complete this analogy.
Shy is to laconic as depressed is to __________.
Someone who is “laconic” uses few words. “Shy” is not necessarily synonymous with “laconic,” so a good way to understand this analogy is to form a sentence like, “As someone who is shy is likely to be laconic, so is someone who is depressed likely to be X.” The word “lachrymose” means tearful or likely to weep. The word is taken from the Latin for tear or to cry. The “tear ducts” that produce fluid in the eye are called the lacrimal glands. To be “depressed” is not synonymous with being “lachrymose,” but just like the case with shyness and being laconic, it is likely that someone who is depressed will be given to weeping.
Example Question #11 : Qualities And Features
Complete this analogy.
Sterilized is to bacteria as disrobed is to __________.
When something is "sterilized," it is completely clean and thus does not have any bacteria on or in it. (Something “sterile” is likewise so completely clean.) Thus, the analogy could be written, “As something sterilized has no bacteria, something disrobed has no X.” The word “disrobed” is as obvious as it appears. It merely means having taken off one’s clothes, meaning that such a person lacks clothes.
Example Question #13 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Autocracy is to oppression as democracy is to __________.
"Oppression" is an experience of people under an "autocracy," so to solve this analogy you must identify which answer choice is an experience of people under a "democracy." This should lead you to the correct answer, “liberty.” For clarification, "autocracy" is a government in which one person holds unlimited power.
Example Question #14 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Hair is to bald as money is to __________.
Since someone who is bald has no hair, we need to pick out an answer choice that is an adjective and describes someone who has no money. While "tightfisted" might seem like a good answer choice because it has to do with money, "tightfisted" actually means miserly. Since "tightfisted" doesn't mean having no money, it can't be the correct answer. "Destitute," on the other hand, is an adjective which can mean either extremely poor or lacking necessities. Since someone who is destitute lacks money just as someone who is bald lacks hair, "destitute" is the correct answer.
Example Question #266 : Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Gauche is to grace as corrupt is to __________.
Someone who is “gauche” lacks social capacities and thus can be said to lack grace. Such a person is likely awkward in public, not knowing how to be subtle when he or she needs be or how to be polite in a tactful manner—though no harm is intended by their tactless actions. The bridge sentence could be constructed, “As someone who is gauche lacks grace, so does someone who is corrupt lack X.” A corrupt person is, among other things, likely to lack honesty—at least about reality itself, for he or she will try to twist and corrupt all things to his or her perverse will.
Example Question #267 : Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Vacuum is to matter as unintelligible is to __________.
A vacuum is a space lacking matter. Thus, the analogy could be rewritten as, “Just a vacuum lacks matter, so does something unintelligible lack X.” When something is unintelligible, it makes little or no sense and cannot be understood. It could thus be said to lack meaning for someone trying to understand it.
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All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources