All SSAT Elementary Level Math Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Tables

What is the average temperature of the five cities on August 21st?
To find the average, we need to add all of the temperatures together, and then divide by the number of total temperatures (which is five).
Example Question #2 : Tables
Which two students share the same favorite ice cream and favorite juice?
Chloe and Taylor
Mikey and Chloe
Quinn and Jonas
Chloe and Taylor
Mikey and Taylor
Mikey and Taylor
To answer this question, look at the two columns and see which two students pick the same answer to favorite ice cream and favorite juice. Both Mikey and Taylor selected vanilla as their favorite ice cream flavor and apple juice as their favorite juice!
Example Question #3 : Tables
Mrs. Feeney asked five of her 4th grade students about their favorite ice cream and juice. According to the table, which ice cream flavor is chosen most often by the students?
Chocolate Chip
Rocky Road
Under the Favorite Ice Cream column, we see that 3 students picked vanilla (Mikey, Jonas, & Taylor), 1 picked chocolate chip (Quinn), and 1 picked strawberry (Chloe). Based on that, vanilla is the favorite flavor.
Example Question #7 : How To Find The Answer From A Table
Who recieved the highest score on the math test?
To find this answer, look under the Math Test Score column to see which student got the highest score. Ernie received a 99 on the math test, which is higher than the other four students!
Example Question #11 : How To Find The Answer From A Table
What fraction of students selected basketball as their favorite sport?
To find this answer, look at the Favorite Sport column and see how many students selected basketball as their favorite sport. Allie, Cooper, and Bertha all selected basketball, making it 3 out of 6 students picking basketball. is not an answer choice, but if we reduce the fraction by dividing the top and the bottom by 3, we get
(which is an answer choice!).
Example Question #12 : How To Find The Answer From A Table
What fraction of students selected purple as their favorite color?
To find this answer, we need to look at the "Favorite Color" column and count how many students selected purple as their favorite color. 3 students (Tommy, Reniece and Britt) chose purple out of the 6 total students, giving us the correct answer choice - 3/6!
Example Question #111 : Data Analysis
How many students have the same favorite color and favorite subject?
To figure out this answer, look at the "Favorite Subject" and "Favorite Color" columns to see if any students have the same answers for both columns. Since no students have the exact same responses, the correct answer is 0!
Example Question #112 : Data Analysis
If all 6 students were born in the same year, which student is the second oldest?
To figure out which student is the second oldest, look at the "Birthday" column to see whose birthday is the second earliest in the year (starting with January). Reniece is the oldest because her birthday is February 12th, and Devyn is the second oldest because her birthday is next in order, being on April 28th!
Example Question #113 : Data Analysis
How many children chose soccer as their favorite sport?
To figure out how many children chose soccer as their favorite sport, look at the "Favorite Sport" column and count the number of children who chose soccer. The correct answer is 0, since no children selected soccer!
Example Question #114 : Data Analysis
Which two children have the same favorite animal?
Debbie and Enrique
Harry and Debbie
Penny and Harry
Penny and Debbie
Mark and Enrique
Harry and Debbie
To figure out which two children picked the same favorite animal, look at the "Favorite Animal" column. Since Harry and Debbie both chose the dog as their favorite animal, the correct answer is Harry and Debbie!
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All SSAT Elementary Level Math Resources