All SAT II World History Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Vietnamese Relations
In their conflicts against France and the United States, Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong were practitioners of
siege warfare.
non-violent resistance.
guerilla warfare.
mass demonstrations and protests.
diplomatic negotiations.
guerilla warfare.
After World War II, France held Vietnam, which had a communist government led by Ho Chi Min. Most fighting took place in the northern part of the country in a series of guerilla style battles led by small skirmishing forces. These small bands, known as Viet Cong, were victorious against the France and helped create a North Vietnam that was Communist in 1954. By the mid 1960s, conflicts between the two Vietnams warped into open warfare, drawing in the United States openly and the USSR discreetly. The Viet Cong, even when representing a nation state, continued using guerilla tactics to frustrate the American troops.
Example Question #2 : Vietnamese Relations
Which of these Americans received a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the Paris Peace Accords of 1973?
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
John Foster Dulles
Henry Kissinger
J. Edgar Hoover
Henry Kissinger
The Paris Peace Accords of 1973 effectively ended American military involvement in the Vietnam War. It also provided a (temporary) peace between the forces of North and South Vietnam. For their role in the peace treaty, Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho were given the Nobel Peace Prize.
Example Question #3 : Vietnamese Relations
American military involvement in the Vietnam War was publicly ended following __________.
the Paris Peace Accords in 1973
the Treaty of Versailles in 1975
the My Lai Massacre in 1969
the Treaty of Saigon in 1976
the Tet Offensive in 1968
the Paris Peace Accords in 1973
In 1973, the Paris Peace Accords formally ended direct American military involvement in the war in Vietnam. It was ignored privately by Richard Nixon and his administration, who continued to provide air support to the South Vietnamese forces. When Nixon was forced from office, the American government officially backed out of the Vietnam War and left the South Vietnamese to fall to conquest by the North Vietnamese. The famous "evacuation of Saigon," which occurred in April of 1975, was the final removal of all American personnel from Vietnam, just a day before the North Vietnamese entered and captured the capital of South Vietnam.
Example Question #4 : Vietnamese Relations
In addition to Vietnam, the Vietnam War was also fought in __________.
North and South Korea
India and Pakistan
Laos and Cambodia
Indonesia and Thailand
China and Thailand
Laos and Cambodia
The Vietnam War spread across international borders into Cambodia and Laos, as both countries also had large numbers of communists alleged to be offering support to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. Cambodia, in particular, was the target of many American bombing raids during the latter years of the Vietnam War.
Example Question #5 : Vietnamese Relations
The Tet Offensive __________.
None of the other answers is correct; the Tet Offensive took place during the Korean War.
involved a surprise attack by the forces of North Vietnam against South Vietnamese cities
created the conditions necessary for a peace arrangement to be made
completely obliterated the forces of the United States and South Vietnam
led to the United States capturing a large portion of North Vietnamese territory
involved a surprise attack by the forces of North Vietnam against South Vietnamese cities
The Tet Offensive was a surprise attack on the forces of the United States and South Vietnam by the forces of North Vietnam in 1968. The North Vietnamese were able to capture many cities and military bases in the South before the American forces regrouped and retook most of them. It was one of the largest and most significant military operations of the Vietnam War.
Example Question #6 : Vietnamese Relations
Agent Orange __________.
died during the Tet Offensive
was the codename for an American offensive against Saigon
was initially denounced as a traitor before later being declared a war hero for his actions in the My Lai Massacre
was used with the intention of making the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong impossible
led the American forces to victory in the Tet Offensive
was used with the intention of making the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong impossible
Agent Orange is the name given to a chemical dropped on the Vietnamese jungle by the American forces. Its intended purpose was to destroy leaves and reduce the tree cover, negating the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong; however, it ended up causing cancer and genetic mutations in many American soldiers and Vietnamese civilians.
Example Question #7 : Vietnamese Relations
What was the name of the communist Vietnamese leader who was president of North Vietnam for much of the Vietnam War?
Bao Di
Ngo Dinh Diem
Ton Duc Thang
Ho Chi Minh
Pol Pot
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh was initially a revolutionary who fought to overthrow the imperial French government in Vietnam. He was also a staunch communist, and he was the first Prime Minister of North Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, up to his death in 1969, he was president of North Vietnam and the leader of the Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong.
Example Question #8 : Vietnamese Relations
The My Lai Massacre was committed by __________.
Viet Cong troops murdering villagers believed to be helping the United States
American troops murdering captured prisoners of war
American troops murdering unarmed women and children
Viet Cong troops murdering South Vietnamese civilians in Saigon
Viet Cong troops murdering captured American soldiers
American troops murdering unarmed women and children
The My Lai Massacre was the mass killing of approximately four hundred unarmed civilians by American soldiers in 1968. It was one of the more dramatic turning points for changing public opinion concerning the war in the United States. When the extent and depravity of the massacre emerged in America, many people joined the anti-war movement.
Example Question #9 : Vietnamese Relations
During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong __________.
fought a guerrilla and standard war for the forces of South Vietnam
provided massive aid relief and refugee evacuation and worked closely with the Red Cross
fought a guerrilla and standard war for the forces of North Vietnam
provided massive aid relief and refugee evacuation, but frequently clashed with the Red Cross
fought a guerrilla and standard war for the forces of the United States
fought a guerrilla and standard war for the forces of North Vietnam
During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong fought for the forces of communist North Vietnam against the United States and the forces of South Vietnam. They fought a guerrilla war as well as a more traditional war and emerged victorious when the war ended in 1975.
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