All SAT II US History Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #51 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
In the first hundred days of the Roosevelt administration Franklin Roosevelt sought to pass what became known as the "New Deal." What was the purpose of the New Deal?
To reform the broken finance industry
A repeal of most of the laws that were passed by Herbert Hoover
To provide relief to American Citizens and to stimulate economic recovery
To enforce moral laws, like Prohibition, with renewed vigor
To provide relief to American Citizens and to stimulate economic recovery
Roosevelt was focused on the three R's, Relief, Recovery, and Reform. His first goal was to pass programs to provide relief to the millions out of work, homeless, and impoverished around the nation.
Example Question #52 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
One of the programs from the New Deal, The CCC, otherwise known as the Civilian Conservation Corps was passed in 1933. What was its purpose?
To provide jobs working on infrastructure projects for the government
To create a group of volunteers made up of the jobless who would do work conserving federal land
To create a job agency that would find jobs for the unemployed
To create the precursor to the National Guard
To provide jobs working on infrastructure projects for the government
The CCC was a jobs program designed to take in single unemployed men 28 and younger. They were put to work on infrastructure projects around the nation on government land. The idea was that these men would have a bed and meals fed to them, as well as a small paycheck, which would help them, and the government benefited because they had large projects done by these workers.
Example Question #53 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
Which of the following laws from the 1920's did Franklin Roosevelt repeal during his presidency?
World War Adjusted Compensation Act
McNary–Haugen Farm Relief Bill
The Eighteenth Amendment
Immigration Act of 1924
The Eighteenth Amendment
The Eighteenth Amendment, better known as prohibition, was repealed in 1933 by FDR. This law had been in place for 13 years by the time FDR repealed it. He felt that the people of the U.S. were not heeding the law, and it was causing the government to lose out of tax income, so it would be better to repeal it and allow government oversight.
Example Question #54 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
One of the landmark programs of the 20th Century, the Social Security Act was passed in 1935. What was its purpose?
To provide assistance to vulnerable populations
To give healthcare insurance to workers
To create a retirement account for workers
To provide insurance for those who had lost heir money in the stock market crash
To provide assistance to vulnerable populations
The Social Security Act was made to provide for people who were deemed to be part of at risk or vulnerable populations. These were the elderly, widows, fatherless children, the poor, and the unemployed.
Example Question #55 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
In 1934 The SEC, or Securities Exchange Commission was founded. What was its goal?
To regulate banks
To regulate the stock exchange and adjacent organizations
To safeguard the federal bank
To seize assets of stockbrokers who lost the nation's fortune and redistribute them
To regulate the stock exchange and adjacent organizations
The SEC was, and remains, responsible for making sure nobody is tampering with the stock exchange and other exchanges. The idea was that because the stock market had previously had no overseers, this caused the system to run amok, causing the crash that started the depression. The SEC was made to make sure this did not happen again (even though it totally did).
Example Question #56 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
A major part of the New Deal, The TVA, or Tennessee Valley Authority, was responsible for what?
Generating economic opportunity in the impoverished South
To oversee the work of farmers
Combating outlaws in the Appalachia region
Getting people to move to the under-developed region of the Tennessee River
Generating economic opportunity in the impoverished South
The TVA was an organization that built hydroelectric dams, created flood controls, and modernized society along the Tennessee River. All of these projects led to greater economic opportunity for the people of Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, and North Carolina.
Example Question #57 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
Part of the New Deal, The Homeowners Loan Corporation, was created in 1933 in order to _______________.
refinance home loans that were in default
forgive home loan debt to ease the burden on people
regulate the banking industries use of home loans
take over insolvent loans from banks
refinance home loans that were in default
The Purpose of the Homeowners Loan Corporation was to take over the many home loans that were in default across the nation. They did this by refinancing the loans so the home owner could repay the bank, and have more agreeable loan conditions from the government.
Example Question #58 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
Why was the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, otherwise known as the Wagner Act, so revolutionary for its time?
It created a set of basic workplace safety regulations
It banned people from forming unions
It guaranteed the right of workers to organize into unions and to collectively bargain
It established a federal minimum wage
It guaranteed the right of workers to organize into unions and to collectively bargain
In the 1800's and early 1900's people had attempted to create unions, only to be met by violence on the part of factory owners, management, and the police; however, in 1935 FDR changed this when he passed the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which made the formation of unions an accepted practice.
Example Question #59 : Facts And Details In U.S. Political History From 1899 To The Present
Franklin Roosevelt got himself embroiled in a bit of scandal over his so-called Court-Packing Plan. What was he attempting to do?
Add more justices to the Supreme Court
Re-organize the court system
Allow the President to forcibly remove justices from the Supreme Court
Change the procedure for jury selection
Add more justices to the Supreme Court
FDR kept meeting resistance to his New Deal plan from the Supreme Court. Many of the justices on the court were left over from the 12 years of Republican Presidents that came before him. In order to change the makeup of the court to favor his policies he proposed a law that would expand the number of justices to a number that would give him the votes needed to prevent the court from overruling his policies.
Example Question #291 : U.S. Political History
The many government agencies the New Deal created became known as what?
The Cabinet
The Pentagon
Big Brother
The alphabet soup
The alphabet soup
Due to the long names of these new organizations their names were often shortened into acronyms. This meant the names were broken down to a jumble of letters. As such the nickname of alphabet soup began to stick.
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