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Example Questions
Example Question #611 : Sat Subject Test In United States History
Who won the Presidential Election of 1928?
Franklin Roosevelt
Herbert Hoover
Al Smith
Warren Harding
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover won the election of 1928. He ran against his democratic challenger, Al Smith. Warren Harding was President in the early 1920's, and FDR was President in the 1930's and 40's.
Example Question #272 : U.S. Political History
What President instructed the U.S. Justice Department to attempt to bring down gangsters using tax evasion charges?
Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge
Franklin Roosevelt
Warren Harding
Herbert Hoover
Hoover wanted to clean up the cities of America, which were suffering from an organized crime epidemic. So he instructed the Justice Department and FBI to use whatever charges they could to get these men off the streets. This included sending them to prison for not paying taxes.
Example Question #273 : U.S. Political History
President Hoover signed the Revenue Act of 1932 as an attempt to begin helping citizens during the depression, what did it do?
Lowered taxes to record levels
Cut business taxes to zero
Raised taxes across the board
Raised taxes on businesses to record highs
Raised taxes across the board
Hoover did not want to run a budget deficit, but the people clearly needed direct relief to begin recovering from the Depression. In order to get the money needed to help these people Hoover raised taxes across the board so the government would have the funds for these programs.
Example Question #274 : U.S. Political History
What were the Mexican Repatriation Acts, enforced between 1929-1936?
Acts by the federal and local governments that forcibly deported people of Mexican heritage
Acts by the Federal government that barred immigrants from entering the U.S. from Mexico
Acts by local governments that rounded up illegal immigrants and sent them back to Mexico
Acts by the state governments of the southwest that brought in Mexican workers to use as cheap labor during the Depression
Acts by the federal and local governments that forcibly deported people of Mexican heritage
In order to save money for cities in the American Southwest, the federal government decided to forcibly arrest and deport people of Mexican Heritage. This was also meant to open jobs for people who were deemed "real Americans." Despite this studies have shown that more than half of the people that were deported were actually American Citizens.
Example Question #275 : U.S. Political History
From 1929 to 1936 about how many people were deported as part of the Mexican Repatriation Acts?
Studies have shown that about 2 million people of Mexican Heritage were removed from this country without due process and sent to Mexico. Studies have also shown that of these people, roughly
were American Citizens.
Example Question #276 : U.S. Political History
What was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act?
An act declaring free trade with many nations
An act raising taxes on imported goods to near record levels
An act reducing taxes on imported goods
An act banning the import of most goods as an effort to spur American production
An act raising taxes on imported goods to near record levels
This act, passed in 1930, raised taxes to the highest levels in a hundred years. This was meant to both raise revenue for the federal government and encourage American production.
Example Question #277 : U.S. Political History
What was the effect of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act?
American production rose by
European nations cut off trade with America
Imports and Exports dropped by half
The government raised enough revenue to begin relief efforts
Imports and Exports dropped by half
This tariff act caused a series of retaliatory tariffs on American goods overseas, thus causing a massive decline in American exports. This meant the American production industry lost a large part of its business and caused many industries to begin going out of business.
Example Question #278 : U.S. Political History
What was the main significance of the aftermath of the Watergate Scandal?
It proved that Presidents can get away with anything
It was the first time a President had a disagreement with other bodies of government
It was the first time that a President could have been impeached
It led to President Nixon being impeached and convicted for his crimes
It showed that corruption could be exposed in even the highest office of the government
It showed that corruption could be exposed in even the highest office of the government
The main point of the Watergate Scandal was that it showed the American public that no person is above the law in the United States, not even the President himself. Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.
Example Question #613 : Sat Subject Test In United States History
When Herbert Hoover ran for re-election as President in 1932, who was his opponent?
Al Smith
Franklin Roosevelt
Charles Curtis
Alf Landon
Franklin Roosevelt
Roosevelt was the Governor of New York, and he won the election of 1932 in a landslide. He received 11 million more votes than his opponent, Hoover. Roosevelt would remain President until his death in 1945.
Example Question #281 : U.S. Political History
During his inaugural address Roosevelt uttered what would become a very famous phrase. What was it?
"I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made"
"When you get to the end of your rope, Tie a knot and hang on"
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
"A day that will live in infamy"
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
During his inaugural address Roosevelt felt that he needed to assure the American people that that did not need to be afraid for their future any longer. He wanted to begin the process of beginning to restore faith in the American system after four years of constant economic and political failure.
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All SAT II US History Resources