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Example Questions
Example Question #51 : Correcting Word Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The news report was first read by myself, then by everyone else in the room.
first read for myself,
first read to myself,
first read by me,
first reading by myself,
first read by myself,
first read by me,
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in the sentence, as it needs to refer back to a previous use of the pronoun, and this sentence does not contain one. The pronoun that is appropriate in the sentence is the simple objective first person pronoun "me." Therefore, "first read by me," is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #52 : Correcting Word Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
These presents were all given to myself by my family as birthday gifts.
were all given to myself by my family
were all given to myself from my family
were each given to myself by my family
were all giving to myself by my family
were all given to me by my family
were all given to me by my family
The use of the reflexive pronoun in the sentence is incorrect, as it does not have a previous first person pronoun to which it can refer back. "Myself" should be changed to the simple first person objective pronoun, "me." Therefore, the correct answer choice is "were all given to me by my family."
Example Question #1651 : Sat Writing
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The conditions of the agreement were always offensive to themselves.
The conditions of the agreement were always offensive to themselves.
The conditions of the agreement were always offensive to them.
The conditions in the agreement were always offensive to themselves.
The conditions, of the agreement, were always offensive to themselves.
The conditions of the agreement was always offensive to themselves.
The conditions of the agreement were always offensive to them.
The use of the reflexive pronoun "themselves" in this sentence is incorrect, as "themselves" needs to refer to a previous usage of the third person plural pronoun. As none exists in the sentence, "themselves" should be changed to the simple third person plural pronoun, "them." Therefore, the correct answer choice is "The conditions of the agreement were always offensive to them."
Example Question #12 : Correcting Pronoun Errors: Incorrect Usage
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The entire procedure was carefully laid out by each participant directly to myself.
directly to me.
directly toward myself.
directly for myself.
direct to myself.
directly to myself.
directly to me.
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in this sentence, as it has no previous usage of the first person pronoun to refer back to earlier in the sentence. The reflexive pronoun needs to be changed to the simple first person objective pronoun, "me," making the correct answer choice "directly to me."
Example Question #31 : Improving Sentences
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The assistant always read the paper completely to myself every morning.
complete to myself every morning.
completely to my own self every morning.
completely to me every morning.
completely to myself every morning.
completely for myself every morning.
completely to me every morning.
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in this sentence, as it has no previous first person pronoun to refer to. The simple first person objective pronoun is the only pronoun that should be used in this instance. Therefore, the correct answer choice is "completely to me every morning."
Example Question #182 : Pronoun Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The news came as a complete surprise not only to me, but to himself as well.
but to himself as well.
but to him as well.
but also to himself as well.
but to himself just as well.
but for himself as well.
but to him as well.
The use of "himself" is incorrect in this statement, as it is a reflexive pronoun with no previous third person pronoun to which it can refer back. The simple third person pronoun is all that is needed in this spot. Therefore, the correct answer choice is "but to him as well."
Example Question #61 : Correcting Pronoun Errors
The full package was finally delivered to myself after a delay of over a week.
was finally delivered for myself
was finally delivered to myself
was finally delivered to me
was final delivered to myself
was delivered finally to myself
was finally delivered to me
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in this sentence, as it has no previous first person pronoun to refer to. The simple first person objective pronoun is the pronoun that needs to be used in this sentence. Thus, the correct answer choice is "was finally delivered to me."
Example Question #22 : Correcting Word Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
For weeks on end, all of the materials were given to myself before anyone else.
given to myself before anybody else.
given to myself before anyone else.
given for myself before anyone else.
giving to myself before anyone else.
given to me before anyone else.
given to me before anyone else.
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" in the sentence is incorrect, as it has no previous first person pronoun to refer back to. The regular first person pronoun is absolutely fine in this sentence. Therefore, the correct answer choice is "given to me before anyone else."
Example Question #62 : Correcting Word Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
When you are done reading the books, please bring them back to myself.
please bring those back to myself
please bring them back unto myself
please bring them back to me
please bringing them back to myself
please bring them back to myself
please bring them back to me
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" in this sentence is incorrect, as it has no previous first person pronoun to refer back to. The pronoun can be changed to the simple first person objective pronoun, "me." The only answer choice to make this necessary change is "please bring them back to me."
Example Question #721 : Psat Writing Skills
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The packages could only be signed for by myself.
The package's could only be signed for by myself.
The packages could only be sign for by myself.
The packages could only be signed for by me.
The packages could only be signed for by myself.
The packages could only be signing for by myself.
The packages could only be signed for by me.
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in this sentence, as it has no previous first person pronoun to refer back to. The reflexive pronoun can be changed to the simple first person objective pronoun, "me." Therefore, the correct answer choice is "The packages could only be signed for by me."
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