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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Correcting Pronoun Errors: Incorrect Usage
Unlike myself, he has never gotten a speeding ticket on the highway.
Unlike I,
Unto like myself,
Unlike me,
Unlikely myself,
Unlike myself,
Unlike me,
The reflexive pronoun "myself" is absolutely incorrect in this sentence, as there is no regular first person pronoun to which it can refer. "Myself" needs to be changed to the subjective pronoun "me," making "Unlike me" the correct answer choice.
Example Question #41 : Correcting Usage Errors
Most of the time, he brings the newspaper to myself first, then passes it around the office.
to me first
to myself first
from myself first
to my own self first
to myself firstly
to me first
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is absolutely wrong in this sentence, as there is no previous use of the first person pronoun for it to refer to. The pronoun must be changed to the simple first person objective form, "me." As this is the only issue in the sentence, the correct answer choice is "to me first."
Example Question #1 : Correcting Pronoun Errors: Incorrect Usage
The reports all need to be seen by myself before they are sent out.
by myself
by me
to myself
as myself
for myself
by me
The use of "myself" in the sentence is incorrect, as it is a reflexive pronoun and needs a previous usage of the regular pronoun first. As there is none, the pronoun needs to be changed to the regular pronoun "me." This makes "by me" the correct answer choice.
Example Question #41 : Other Pronoun Errors
I have never questioned the innate abilities of me.
the innate abilities to me.
the innate abilities for me.
the innate ability of me.
the innate abilities of myself.
the innate abilities of me.
the innate abilities of myself.
The use of me, although technically correct as the objective form, is awkward in this sentence after the previous use of "I" as the subject. By placing the reflexive pronoun "myself" in the sentence, the pronoun now appropriately refers back to the subject of the sentence. The correct answer choice is "the innate abilities of myself."
Example Question #41 : Correcting Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The young woman brought her package directly to myself and no one else.
directly for myself
directly to myself
directly unto myself
directly to me
direct to myself
directly to me
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in the sentence, as it needs a previous usage of the first person pronoun to refer back to. The correct pronoun is the simple "me." Therefore, the correct answer choice is "directly to me."
Example Question #51 : Other Pronoun Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The report was seen by yourself before anyone else was allowed to have it.
The report seen by yourself
The report was saw by yourself
The report was seen by yourself
The report being seen by yourself
The report was seen by you
The report was seen by you
The use of the reflexive pronoun "yourself" is incorrect in this sentence, as it has no previous use of the second person pronoun "you" to refer to. "Yourself" should be changed to the simple second person pronoun "you." As this is the only issue in the sentence, the correct answer choice is "The report was seen by you."
Example Question #41 : Correcting Word Usage Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The questions have only been seen by myself.
being seen by myself.
been seen by myself.
been seen by me.
been seeing myself.
been seen myself.
been seen by me.
The use of "myself" is incorrect in the sentence, as it is a reflexive pronoun and needs the first person pronoun "me" to precede it. Therefore, "myself" must be changed to the first person pronoun "me," making the correct answer "been seen by me."
Example Question #11 : Correcting Pronoun Errors: Incorrect Usage
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The game score was reported directly to myself as soon as the contest was over.
was reported directly to me
was reported directly to myself
was reported direct to myself
was reporting directly to myself
was reported directly for myself
was reported directly to me
The use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in this sentence, as there is no previous usage of the first person pronoun for it to be referring to. "Myself" should be replaced by the simple objective pronoun "me." The correct answer is the only answer choice that does this, "was reported directly to me."
Example Question #11 : Correcting Pronoun Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The group has already expressed thanks both to the senator and myself.
both to the senator and I.
both to the senator, and myself.
both to myself and the senator.
both to me and the senator.
both to the senator and myself.
both to me and the senator.
Using the reflexive pronoun "myself" is incorrect in this sentence. A reflexive pronoun needs to follow a previous use of the regular pronoun, and so this pronoun needs to become the simple first person objective pronoun, "me." The only answer choice that uses the correct pronoun is "both to me and the senator."
Example Question #502 : Sentence Correction
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
Every item was inspected by myself before it left the warehouse.
inspected by myself before it leaves
inspected by myself before it left
inspected by me before it left
inspected by myself before leaving
inspecting by myself before it left
inspected by me before it left
The use of "myself" in the sentence is incorrect, as a reflexive pronoun always needs to be preceded by a previous pronoun to which it can refer. The reflexive pronoun "myself" needs to be replaced by the simple objective first person pronoun "me." Therefore, the correct answer choice is "inspected by me before it left."
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