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Free PSAT Questions of the Day
The PSAT stands for the Preliminary SAT, which helps students like you prepare for the SAT, which can help you qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Millions of high school sophomores and juniors take this standardized test every year, so it is important to thoroughly prepare for this exam. Fortunately, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offers a suite of great online tools for free to help you study for your PSAT. One of those tools is Question of the Day.
Question of the Day for the PSAT is a great way to study for even just a few minutes every day leading up to this exam. When you take this multiple-choice question, you get a great sense of what it is like to work on the multiple-choice section of the PSAT. This daily test preparation by itself can help you focus on the PSAT and work toward a high score. However, you can also see immediately if you got the answer to the question correct or not, which helps you gear your study sessions to parts of the test that might be harder for you.
This feature updates every single day of the week with a new practice question that is based on past PSAT questions. Using PSAT Question of the Day for daily test review helps you prepare for the phrasing and timing of the PSAT. You can also track your progress with a graph as you answer more PSAT Questions of the Day over time, and you can compare your knowledge to that of other students all over the country who are also using Question of the Day to prepare for this standardized test.
When you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can see a thorough explanation of the correct answer for that particular PSAT Question of the Day. This feature is very useful for your PSAT test review, even if you knew the right answer, because there might be new information in this explanation that you didn’t know. When you read the explanation, you can get more information about the subject overall, and that will help you answer similar questions when they come up later.
Question of the Day has a timer feature. This is an extremely important aspect of PSAT Question of the Day, because the exam itself has time limits on both sections. Make sure you meet the timing criteria when answering questions so that you complete the exam with time to spare. You can also figure out which subjects are harder for you because you take more time to answer the questions, and that can help you focus your study sessions, as well.
Use the whole suite of free PSAT practice tools online with Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools, like Practice Tests, Flashcards, and Learn by Concept. Question of the Day is just one of the great features that are offered.
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