Upgrade to enroll in unlimited classes
One membership unlocks unlimited access to our entire class catalog and enables supplemental 1-on-1 tutoring with one of our highly vetted, expert tutors. Good for your entire household!
With one membership good for your entire household, we support every learning milestone throughout each family member’s learning journey.
• Highly Personalized Instruction
• Network of Rigorously Vetted Tutors
• Purpose-Built Learning Interface
• Live Small Group Classes
• On-Demand Lessons
• Assessments & Practice
• Seasonal Learning Programs
• Instruction in Over 3,000 Subjects
• Tailored Support for Every Stage and Milestone
• Customize Your Membership at Any Time
• Instant Tutoring
• 24/7 AI Tutor Chat
• Expert Essay Review
Our dynamic learning platform is engineered to make learning enjoyable, convenient, and pretty amazing.
Keeping students engaged while learning online can be a challenge. But by combining interactive tools and collaborative workspaces with a face-to-face conversation, we’re pretty sure you’ll truly enjoy the act of learning on the platform.
Not being tethered to a physical space or a local tutor opens a world of opportunity. Experience best-in-class live learning without leaving the house, learn anything from anywhere in a variety of ways, and take control of your learning journey.
Now more than ever, technology is transforming education. By strategically integrating AI, we’re improving platform capabilities and support in all-new ways—from identifying the best tutor match to generating hyper-personalized learning plans.
As your needs adjust, so does your membership.
To ensure you get the right support, we start by understanding your needs. Then we search our roster of 40,000+ experts to find a tutor who “gets” you, who can personalize a learning plan for you, and who can help you reach your goal with confidence.
You’re here to reach a goal, and we’re here to make it easier. Get the right help when you need it most. Learn where you want and how you want. And while we’re always here to help, you’re in control of your learning journey.
Accelerate your progress by learning in a variety of ways. Because tutoring is most effective when combined with other learning formats, your membership includes a variety of options, including classes, practice tools, and so much more.