Academic Support

Launchpad 🚀

Congratulations! Vidalia City Schools has partnered with Varsity Tutors for Schools. All students now have access to the Varsity Tutors learning resources like live classes, chat tutoring, and more. Some students may have been assigned tutoring by your school, ask your teacher or school office if this has been provided to you. All Vidalia City Schools families can sign up for paid supplemental private tutoring for their students at a discounted rate!

Welcome Vidalia City Schools!

Learning resources for all students
Recursos de aprendizaje para todos estudiantes

Live Classes

Many Live Classes are like weekly shows! You can interact with the tutor by sending messages which makes learning more fun, especially if the class is being taught by someone famous!
View All Classes!
Academic Support Classes
College Prep
Career Readiness
Extracurricular Classes

Chat with a Tutor

Chat with a tutor to get extra support when you have a tough homework problem or an upcoming test, or when you have questions about a new subject you’re exploring. A tutor is always ready to help!

Essay Reviews

Get a better grade or improve your writing skills by having a tutor review your essay.  They will give you helpful feedback to make your essay stronger before submitting it to your teacher.

Self-Study Practice

Start with an assessment test to find out what you’re great at and what you need to work on. Then, use all of the Varsity Tutors learning tools, classes, and practice problems to master the subject you’re studying.

Get Started


Sign into the Varsity Tutors platform through your school's sign on app like Google, Clever, or ClassLink. If your school doesn't use a sign-on app, you can sign in on the Varsity Tutors website.

Explore the Learning Resources Available to You!

Explore how Varsity Tutors can help support your academic success.

Chat with a Tutor

Live Group Classes

On-Demand Essay Review

College & Career Readiness

Assessment and Self-Study

1-on-1 and Small Group Tutoring

Your school district may have partnered with Varsity Tutors to provide select students with private tutoring called high dosage tutoring to supplement the classroom curriculum. You will be notified if you have been enrolled. Tutoring will be assigned to students in one of 2 ways:

  • An administrator or teacher will schedule tutoring sessions for students during the school day.
  • Parents and students will work directly with a tutor to set a schedule that best meets the student's needs.

Get Started


For parents with paid or school-provided private tutoring: Once your student is enrolled in the tutoring program, the Varsity Tutors Parent Engagement Team will reach out to help you schedule your student's first tutoring session.

Supplemental Private Tutoring Available To All Students

All Vidalia City Schools students can receive 20% Off Private Tutoring

Vidalia City Schools has partnered with Varsity Tutors for Schools to make a suite of online learning resources available to every student. If you are not already receiving 1:1 tutoring through your school, you can receive discounted rates for private tutoring.
Get Private Tutoring