Varsity Tutors acknowledges how tough it is to see your student struggle with dyslexia, and we want to help by setting you up with Virginia Beach tutors for students with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a specific learning difference that makes it difficult for students to read accurately and fluently. They may also have a hard time with writing, reading comprehension, math, and spelling. Getting assistance from a professional who has experience working with dyslexic students can help your student strengthen the reading or writing skills they struggle with.
Though dyslexia is a lifelong condition that affects learning, it's not an issue of intelligence. Children who have dyslexia are just as smart as their peers. There are many teaching approaches, strategies, and supports to help people with dyslexia manage their challenges and thrive in school and beyond. If your student has dyslexia, a writing or reading tutor in Virginia Beach can help decrease the effect of dyslexia on your student's educational life.
What concepts will be reviewed by a Virginia Beach tutor near me for students with dyslexia?
Concepts reviewed by your student's tutor depends on several factors. For instance, if your student is in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or has a 504 Plan, their academic mentor can use this document as a starting point in assisting them. Lessons may cover general academic help or special reading programs like the Barton Reading and Spelling System, the Orton-Gillingham approach, or the Wilson Reading Program. Working with a writing tutor who's fluent in the components of MSLE (multisensory structured language education) enables your student to enjoy the additional academic support that addresses their needs. This supplemental instruction can augment in-class learning of writing and reading while boosting self-confidence.
Your student's private educator can go over content that's probably not covered in a 504 Plan or IEP. When working with an academic mentor, they receive one-on-one attention. Virginia Beach tutors for students with dyslexia can assist them in any academic challenge they may face.
What benefits do Virginia Beach tutoring for students with dyslexia bring to my child?
Working with Virginia Beach tutors for students with dyslexia gives your student many advantages. In one-on-one sessions, personal instructors can offer a listening ear. This allows your student to ask questions and express concerns. People with dyslexia might avoid reading, whether it's out loud or to themselves. Therefore, they get anxious or frustrated when reading. Private lessons provide a platform in which they can open up about their troubles, and their educators can do everything possible to help them out.
A Virginia Beach tutor for students with dyslexia can use various strategies and tools that align with your student's learning style. For example, they can offer hands-on activities if your student is a tactile learner. Does your student learn best visually? Their educator can assist them with flashcards or other visual aids.
These sessions don't only help students. Parents can also benefit from them. A Virginia Beach tutor for students with dyslexia can aid you in learning about multisensory techniques like air writing, sandpaper letters, and other strategies that inspire your student to use their senses to comprehend letters, digraphs, and words. Taking part in online instruction helps you learn techniques so that you can assist your student when lessons are over. Each session is recorded, which lets you and your student go back and watch them review and practice reading or writing techniques.
How can I locate a Virginia Beach tutor near me for students with dyslexia?
When you contact a Varsity Tutors educational consultant, you can be sure that you'll be linked with an expert who's experienced in assisting students with dyslexia. Your student will work with an instructor who can aid them in their studies regardless of whether you choose online or in-person lessons. We'll also locate someone who has a similar schedule availability. Your student can engage in online lessons at home, the Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library, their favorite hangout, or any other place that offers a stable internet connection.
Online instruction occurs through our Live Learning Platform, a virtual portal that allows your student to associate with an instructor via their preferred mobile device. It includes a shared document editor for writing, a virtual whiteboard, video chat, and other interactive tools. The Live Learning Platform makes online learning efficient as well as convenient.
Private lessons can help your student reach for their goals, and online or in-person sessions make it simple since they enable your student to balance their studies and other obligations. If you're ready to sign your student up, or if you want more information about Virginia Beach tutoring for students with dyslexia, please reach out to us today by phone or online. Educational consultants are standing by eager to support your student every step of the way.