20% off tutoring for your school district*
Trusted Tutoring Backed by Your School District
Bringing you the best in personalized education with a 20%* discount on private tutoring programs.
Why choose Varsity Tutors?
Varsity Tutors is the leading online tutoring platform in the United States
Students and parents give their sessions 4.9 out of 5 stars on average
Students and parents give us a 97% satisfaction rating
Plus Our Comprehensive Learning Toolkit to Help Your Child Get Ahead
Adaptive Assessments:
Empower your tutor to track your progress and create even more personalized lesson plans.
Live Group Classes:
Choose from 100+ expert-led live classes each week from academic, enrichment, college readiness, and celebrity instructors.
Practice Questions and On-Demand Videos:
Access hours of adaptive practice and on-demand videos to enhance independent study and prep for your next session.
What’s included for students:
1-on-1 Tutoring
• Highly Personalized Instruction
• Network of Rigorously Vetted Tutors
• Purpose-Built Learning Interface
Unlimited Learning
• Live Small Group Classes
• On-Demand Lessons
• Assessments & Practice
• Seasonal Learning Programs
Support For Life
• Providing tutoring from kindergarten through college and beyond
• Tailored Support for Every Stage and Milestone
Instant Help
• Instant Tutoring
• 24/7 AI Tutor Chat
• Expert Essay Review
Unlock your child's learning potential.
As your needs adjust, so do we.
Personalized Experience
To ensure you get the right support, we start by understanding your needs. Then we search our roster of 40,000+ experts to find a tutor who “gets” you, who can personalize a learning plan for you, and who can help you reach your goal with confidence.
Quality and Convenience
You’re here to reach a goal, and we’re here to make it easier. Get the right help when you need it most. Learn where you want and how you want. And while we’re always here to help, you’re in control of your learning journey.
More Effective Learning
Accelerate your progress by learning in a variety of ways. Because tutoring is most effective when combined with other learning formats, your program includes a variety of options, including classes, practice tools, and so much more.
What Parents Are Saying:
Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from other parents who have seen their children thrive with our tutoring services.
*This discount is exclusively available for parents of Varsity Tutors' partner districts students. We will confirm student enrollment during the sign-up process.